Fresh Bouquet


With fragrant scent notes of Japanese Cherry Blossom and elegant Rose, this candle offers a fragrant experience that beautifully reminds us of a Fresh Bouquet of blossoming flowers in full bloom. The harmonious blend creates an atmosphere that is both uplifting and enchanting, perfect for brightening any room in your home.

Net Wt. 7.5 oz | 210 grams

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With fragrant scent notes of Japanese Cherry Blossom and elegant Rose, this candle offers a fragrant experience that beautifully reminds us of a Fresh Bouquet of blossoming flowers in full bloom. The harmonious blend creates an atmosphere that is both uplifting and enchanting, perfect for brightening any room in your home.

Net Wt. 7.5 oz | 210 grams

With fragrant scent notes of Japanese Cherry Blossom and elegant Rose, this candle offers a fragrant experience that beautifully reminds us of a Fresh Bouquet of blossoming flowers in full bloom. The harmonious blend creates an atmosphere that is both uplifting and enchanting, perfect for brightening any room in your home.

Net Wt. 7.5 oz | 210 grams